Fume Cupboard Controllers
The New Fully Intergrated Fume Cupboard Controller Has Arrvied
Key Features of the New Controller:
- BACnet MSTP (RS485) included for full integration, with reporting of operating parameters including occupancy, and ability to open/close sash remotely
- Capable of both VAV and CAV operation, with support for controlling scrubber, recirculation tank, and spray bar operation
- Slee, chemical resistant glass touch panel with colour screen for simple, easy-to-use operation, and setup
- Ecosash sash closing has non-contact light-beam collision detection capability
- Low flow mode can save energy when the lab is unoccupied*
- Compatible with both damper/manifold and VSD operation
- Fully compliant with AS/NZS 2243.8-2014*
- Cost effective!
*Use of low flow mode requires exemption to AS/NZS 2243.8-2014
Creating High Performance Environments Through Smart Engineering
TPE/ Aircare fume cupboards are designed for the professional laboratory. They provide proven fume extraction technology with innovative concepts: easy to use split sash system; the sash door release mechanism; fixed or removal work surfaces; smooth airflow entry; fire retardant PP carcass and LED lighting. Available in multiple sizes and flexible design options.

EcoAir®4 (VAV)
- Variable Air Volume (VAV) technology for quiet and economical operation
- BACnet MSTP (RS485) included for full BMS integration, with reporting of operating parameters including occupancy, and ability to open/close sash remotely
- Sleek, chemical resistant glass touch panel with colour screen for simple, easy-to-use operation and setup
- Ecosash® sash closing is fully integrated for minimising loss of conditioned air from the laboratory
- Low flow mode can save energy when the lab is unoccupied (with Ecosash)*
- Compatible with both damper/manifold and VSD operation
- Fully compliant with AS/NZS 2243.8-2014* and EN 14175
- Cost effective

Ecoshas only with PIR sensor
- Can be retrofitted to existing VAV fume cupboards without closers
- With the EcoSash® system, VAV energy savings are maximised to their full potential.
- Pays for itself in energy saving in approximately 18 months
- Improves laboratory safety by minimising time with sash raised
- Sash collision sensing – system monitors sash movement, if a blockage of the sash is detected the sash movement automatically stops
- Light beam senor technology – noncontact collision avoidance
- User friendly – easy to install, to configure, and change settings
- PIR sensor panel with adjustable range to allow for use in fume cupboards from 1200mm to 3000mm width
- BACnet MSTP (RS485) included for full BMS integration, with reporting of operating parameters including occupancy, and ability to open/close sash remotely

Labrocare CAV controller
- Constant Air Volume (CAV) technology for simple operation.
- Available with Ecosash® automatic sash closing for improved safety
- BACnet MSTP (RS485) included for full BMS integration, with reporting of operating parameters
- Sleek, chemical resistant glass touch panel with colour screen for simple, easy-to-use operation and setup
- Fully compliant with AS/NZS 2243.8- 2014* and EN 14175
- Can control scrubber valve or recirculation tank pump, and spray bar for fume scrubbing systems.
- Compatible with both damper/manifold and VSD operation